Organizing Kitchen Cabinets To Maximize Storage Space
When it came to organizing kitchen cabinets there are many other things I started doing to avoid this task. Why? Because I knew that I had just let it go so long that it would be very time consuming. But I also knew that my things were just multiplying - a sure sign that help was needed.
So, I set aside some time and started digging in. First of all it wasn't a difficult task just a time consuming one. Dividing it up into steps made it easier and this is a list of steps I followed with recommendations for how to put everything back together.
Organizing Kitchen Cabinets in 5 Easy
- Take inventory - Before organizing your kitchen cabinets you must
empty out your cabinets and take a good look at all of the items you have.
- Purge, donate, sell, discard - Decide what items you no longer use and donate them to a charity or keep for a future yard sale if you have the space. Discard any appliances that don't work properly and cannot be repaired. Discard any broken or chipped dishes, bowls, glassed, cups, etc. that cannot be fixed.
- Decision time - This is probably the hardest step when organizing your kitchen cabinets. This is where you have to decide how much is enough. Do you really need 20 plastic cups? Do you need to keep the same amount of plastic containers? Really think about how much room these items are taking. Downsize as much as possible. You will be surprised how much easier it is to find what you need when there are less items to look through.
- Designate a home - Decide where your items will be kept. This is a challenge. Really think about where it is convenient for items to be. Here are some ideas:
- Keep all dishes, silverware, glasses and cups close to the dishwasher or sink. It will make unloading the dishwasher or drainboard easier.
- Keep all utensils for cooking next to the stove for quick access. They can be kept in a large jar, drawer, or attatched to the wall behind the stove (just be aware of the heat factor when reaching for them if you choose this method).
- Keep the spices you usually use while cooking by the stove also. They can be kept in a spice drawer, on the counter or on the back of the stovetop.
- Heavy pots and pans can be stored in cabinets using pull out drawers or hung from a potrack.Use a door lid holder or top of the pot rack for the lids.
- Store oversize serving platters and baking sheets in a cabinet between vertical shelf dividers or tensions rods.
- Store smaller baking pans (loaf pans etc.) on larger cookie sheet type pans. Just pull out the large pan to find the others.
- Decide on open storage - If you have any open storage you need to decide how it will be used. Open storage is usually saved for items used frequently. You have easy access to the items this way and they won't accumulate dirt. If you store china or something that isn't used often you will have to clean it frequently.
When you are finished organizing your kitchen cabinets you will wonder why you waited so long. It is a task that is well worth it. Just remember that you are organizing the spaces to help improve the whole kitchen.
When you are finished you have to evaluate your results. After using your kitchen for a while you may decide that you are more comfortable with the utensils in a jar rather than in a drawer etc. So, continue to evaluate and change your layout if needed.

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