Organizing Your Desk From
Top to Bottom
Are you in desperate need of organizing your desk? You probably spend a lot of time there, whether it’s at the office or at home. If you let things get out
of control, it can feel like a real chore. Piles of paperwork up to here, unorganized files up to there. You discover late bills and messages that you forgot to respond to.
But, don’t worry! There is something about organizing your desk that makes you feel like you gain control of your assignments, paperwork, bills, and invoices. Below, you will learn how to organize your desk from top to bottom to help you function more efficiently. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
How to Organize Your Desktop
The site of a messy desk can keep you away! For many people, their desktops are so messy that there is no room to spread out their project materials. By organizing your desk you will keep only the essentials on the surface and clear space to actually work.
- Computer - Almost every desk these days has a computer. To make the most of your desk space, place your monitor on a riser or in the corner of your desk. Flat screens take up less space. Try to keep cords out of the way. A wireless mouse is a great way to eliminate a cord.
- In/out trays – These trays, usually in a wire, mesh, wicker, or metal material are a smart way to keep ingoing and outgoing mail and paperwork organized. Just be sure to clear these out daily.
- Phone – There is really no way around keeping a phone off your desk. The only alternative would be to have it mounted on the wall within arm’s reach.
- Business card file or Rolodex – These important phone numbers need to be handy.
- Bill organizer – This is nice for home offices. It is an organizer that consists of 31 slots, one for each day of the month. With this in front of you, there is no excuse for a late bill!
- Pens and notepad – You want to keep these items handy for writing down important messages.
- Calendar – By keeping your calendar in full view, you are more likely to stay organized with your daily activities.
- Printer – If you don’t have a printer stand and your only option is to store it on your desk, place it on a riser to open up space beneath.
- Bulletin board – Hang a bulletin board above your desk so you can post those small notes that you don’t want to get lost.
How to Organize Your Desk Drawers
If your desk drawer has become a “catch all,” then organizing your desk drawers will help you find those essential supplies at any given moment. The following items should be kept inside your desk drawers:
- Supplies – Don’t try to see how much you can fit into your drawer, see how little you can get by with. Essentials are pens, stapler, paperclips, rubber bands, calculator, scotch tape, scissors, sticky notes, highlighters, a few envelopes, a couple blank CDs, and a ruler. Use desk organizer trays to keep the items neat and orderly. But just keep enough of each item in the desk. Keep extra supplies in another cupboard, closet, or other storage area.
- File drawers – Keep your important files and the files that you access often in your desk file drawers. These can be organized by purpose (for example, in your home office keep a file for each bill that you regularly receive.) Or, it can be organized in alphabetical or chronological order. For files that you don’t access at least once a month, keep in a separate filing cabinet. Of course, your essential paperwork such as birth certificates, passports, tax papers, wills, mortgage papers, etc. should be kept safe in a fireproof safe deposit box.
How to Organize Under Your Desk
If your desk is wide and deep, there is probably a surprising amount of valuable space—right at your toe tips! Make use of this space, just keep it organized.
- Wastebasket – A variety of sizes and styles are available.
- Paper shredder – With the rise of identity theft, this has become an essential office supply.
- Plastic drawers – These are nice for extra desk drawer supplies, printer paper, printer cartridges, etc.
- Magazine rack – This is great for keeping the pile off your desk.
With a clear and organized desk and workspace, you will find that you actually enjoy pulling up a seat to your desk and getting down to business. By organizing your desk, finding a spot for each item, and keeping it clear from clutter, you will get work done faster and more efficiently.
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